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Perle M3PC
Dial-Up Access for AS/400, AS/36 & S36

PerleM3PC.gif (32594 bytes)The Perle M3PC - A Complete Dial-up Server on a PC Card for Dial up Access to AS/400, S/38 and S/36


  • No Twinax emulation card required at the remote side-ideal for portable PCs

  • Provides up to seven host sessions across four serial ports
    (see diagram below)

  • Easy setup and installation Compatible with popular PC Support applications such as Rumba

  • Automated log-in speeds access

  • Up to five M3PC cards can be installed in one PC, increasing the total number of dial-in ports to 20

(Click here or on Picture for Technical Specifications)

Perle M3PC Dial-In Server Diagram

Perle M3PC.gif (9287 bytes)

Up to seven AS/400 or S/36 sessions and four simultaneous users per M3PC card.
Up to five M3PC cards can be installed in a single PC to provide up to 20 simultaneous dial-in users.

Accessing business information when and where it's needed has become a necessity in today's business environment. However, making corporate data quickly and easily available to remote users can be a challenge. Current dial-in solutions often make dialing-in a struggle for users who prefer the process to be transparent.

The Perle M3PC is a PC card that connects remote users to their AS/400 and AS/400 Advanced 36. It has been designed to help deal with these challenges by automating many setup and configuration functions, making dialing-in easier than ever. And with a completely new hardware design this power and functionality are available at a lower cost than ever before.

Please click here for additional information on the
Perle M3PC AS/400 Dial-In Server


Preset profiles simplify connecting to host

The profile feature saves connect infor-mation for the user, automating the connection process to the host. The user doesn't have to know anything about the host Twinax addressing, workstation or printer types, and gets the optimum workstation and printer emulation.


Multisession support improves productivity

A user dialed-in can request additional sessions for a printer or to log on to another application simultaneously, without logging off the first. A pool of seven sessions is available to users dialing-in to a single M3PC card.


Extensive modem support speeds installation

Over 200 modem types supported lets the M3PC be quickly set up to work without opening a modem manual. Modem strings can be customized to support new features. High-speed links and screen optimization ensure fast response time Quick response time and throughput are provided with port speeds up to 38.4 Kbps along with a unique screen update feature that sends only changes to the PC screen.


High-speed links and screen optimization ensure fast response time

Quick response time and throughput are provided with port speeds up to 38.4 Kbps along with a unique screen update feature that sends only changes to the PC screen.


Up and running quickly

M3PC configuration for simple dial-in applications can be quickly created using 'Quick Config' feature.


Real time monitor speeds network problem resolution

Network problems can be quickly resolved using the M3PC real-time monitor program. Port and session status can be displayed. Ports status includes Twinax port activity, system address in use and dial-in ports signals such as TX, RX, DSR and DCD. Ports may be individually reset as well.


Advanced architecture

The four-port M3PC card fits into any standard ISA 8-bit bus, and up to five M3PC cards can be installed in one PC, increasing the total number of dial-in ports to 20. Except for drawing power, the M3PC is completely independent of the server PC. The server PC can even be soft-rebooted without affecting dial-in users on the M3PC card. A single Twinax connection attaches each M3PC card directly to the IBM host. Simply attach industry-standard asynchronous modems and the hardware set-up is complete.

A 10-user license of PerleTALK for DOS and PerleTALK for Windows, 5250 terminal emulation software optimized to work with the M3PC, is included with each unit.

Technical Specifications

Security and management

  • Password security prevents access to the M3PC

  • Reconnect timer with password

  • Inactivity timer


  • Keyboard remapping

  • 132 column support using PerleTALK (for DOS and PerleTalk for Windows)

  • Autobaud detect supported

  • Screen optimization

  • ASCII printer command download

  • Concurrent printing

IBM Twinax hosts

  • IBM AS/400

  • IBM AS/400 Advanced 36

  • IBM System/36

  • IBM System/38


  • Up to seven 5250 sessions across one to four ports

Card dimensions

  • 3/4 size PC card

  • Standard ISA 8-bit bus

Twinax connection

  • Male DB-9 on backplane

  • Self-terminating female DB-9 to a "V" Twinax cable connector

Asynchronous connecters

  • Female HD-44 on backplane (high density)

  • Male DB-44 to 4 x RS-232 male DB-25 connector quad cable

Server PC requirements

  • IBM PC/XT/AT or better or true compatible with a standard ISA 8-bit bus

  • 640 KB RAM

  • 3.5" diskette drive

  • Mono, CGA, EGA, VGA, or better display adapter

  • 10 MB free on hard drive

Terminal emulations

  • 5251 Model 11

  • 5291, 5292 Model 1

  • 3180 Model 2

  • 3196

  • 3197 Model C and D

Remote PC Requirements

  • IBM PC Dos 5.0 or higher, Windows?3.x or Windows?95

  • IBM-compatible 80386 or better

  • Industry-standard asynchronous modems (minimum 14.4 kbps recommended) or external ISDN terminal adapters

  • buffered 16550 UART recommended Dial-out PC Requirements

Please click here for additional information on the
Perle M3PC AS/400 Dial-Up Server



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