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Printer FAQs






BOSaNOVA e-Twinax Controller (eTwinax, e-Twin@x)
Frequently Asked Questions - Printing

e-Twinax Controller
Printing Knowledge Base

SCS Printers

  1. What are the *WSCST objects that I see under library BOSCSTLIB in my AS/400?

  2. Why do some printers go to FAILED status on e-Twinax Controller Configurator?

  3. Some jobs that were printed before in CPI 15 are now being printed in CPI 10. How can I fix it?

  4. Some jobs that were printed before in CPI 10 are now being printed in CPI 15. How can I fix it?

  5. PC printer attached to the Twinax Terminal/Emulation doesn't print correctly. How can I fix it?

  6. The Printer Writer in AS/400 goes into END status while printing. What is the reason?

  7. How can I see the printer status like out-of-paper, or off-line on AS/400 the same way I used to see status from the directly attached printer?

  8. I set Printer status support to Host but Printer Writer in AS/400 goes into END status after when printer is out of paper, or button Cancel or off-line was pressed. What is the reason?

  9. Why do I see in e-Twinax Controller configurator that my printer is in Offline status while I know it is Online?

  10. I have a print job that includes Magnum code. First page is printed OK, but from the second page I get garbage. What can I do?

  11. There are messages in the e-Twinax Controller log starting with "SCS Parameter error on printer..." Or "SCS Code error on printer...". What is the reason?

  12. Why does my printer skip some lines at the beginning of each job?

  13. Sometimes the printer session will not print, even though the printer device is on-line. Why does this happen and how can I fix it?

  14. How can I accelerate printing speed?

IPDS Printers

  1. Why do all IPDS printers stay in END status on AS/400 even though they are Online?

  2. What are the *PSFCFG objects that I see under library BOSCSTLIB in my AS/400?

  3. My printer starts printing but after few pages stops printing and goes to Failed status in e-Twinax configurator. How can I fix it?

  4. My printer starts printing but skips labels and lines. How can I fix it?

  5. Why did e-Twinax Controller create the IPDS printer with Advanced Function Printing parameter at the host set to *Yes, while it is set to *No when printer is connected directly to AS/400?

  6. After I've installed on my AS/400 OS/400 V4R4, I get a message that I must license PSF/400 order to use IPDS printer. What is the reason?

  7. How can I see the printer status like out-of-paper, or off-line on AS/400 the same way I used to see status from the directly attached printer?

  8. I received the "Error occurred on (TCP/IP, 4(UNKNOWN))" error message in the Diagnostic Log. What does it mean?

  9. I received the "Port number allowed only for local devices or LAN printers" error message in the Diagnostic Log. What does it mean?

  10. I have an IPDS printer and I send it duplex print jobs, i.e. on both sides of the page. Most of the jobs are printed OK, but a few jobs are not. How can I fix this?

SCS Printer Questions

  1. What are the *WSCST objects that I see under library BOSCSTLIB in my AS/400?

TN5250e supports only 3812-1 printer model, thus in order to support Twinax legacy printers such as: 5224, 5225, 4234, 4214 and more, e-Twinax Controller creates printer sessions with Workstation Customization Object (*WSCST) for each printer model. For example: BSCST5224 object supports 5224 printer. These objects are created when controller first verifies the connection to each host and you confirm the request to update CST objects.

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  1. Why do some printers go to FAILED status on e-Twinax Controller Configurator?
Usually it happens because this printer name is already in use. Try to solve the conflict and then reset printer session. If there is no conflict, but status is FAILED, the reason may be that somehow host locked one of the printer jobs. In this case, even if you delete the printer's device description on host, it still appears to host as if this printer is in use. In this case only IPL will clear out the printer.

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  1. Some jobs that were printed before in CPI 15 are now being printed in CPI 10. How can I fix it?

It is probably because in the print file associated with this job the Font Id parameter (FONT) is set to *DEVD. You need to change it to *CPI. . For example:


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  1. Some jobs that were printed before in CPI 10 are now being printed in CPI 15. How can I fix it?

It is probably because in the print file associated with this job the Degree of page rotation parameter (PAGRTT) is set to *COR. You need to change it to 0. For example:


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  1. PC printer attached to the Twinax Terminal/Emulation doesn't print correctly. How can I fix it?

In this case you should use Host Print Transform instead of Customized Objects. In order to do it, do the following:

Set Use Host Print Transform to Yes in the Change Printer Device screen in the e-Twinax Controller Configurator. Host Print Transform is an AS/400 process that converts a print job originally written in EBCDIC code into an ASCII data stream that contains both the print job contents and the printer commands. You must then select the appropriate PC printer from list. This will allow you to get printouts created by the AS/400 for that specific printer.

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  1. The Printer Writer in AS/400 goes into END status while printing. What is the reason?

It is because you do not have the latest PTFs that fix these TN5250e printer session problems installed and applied on AS/400. Verify your system from e-Twinax configurator to get the PTFs that are missing. Also check that each PTF that is installed is also applied.

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  1. How can I see the printer status like out-of-paper, or off-line on AS/400 the same way I used to see status from the directly attached printer?

Change SCS Printer status support under Advanced parameters in e-Twinax Controller configurator to 1 (Host) instead of 0 (Local). Also, check that all appropriate PTFs required for the TN5250e printer support are installed and applied on the AS/400.

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  1. I set Printer status support to Host but Printer Writer in AS/400 goes into END status after when printer is out of paper, or button Cancel or off-line was pressed. What is the reason?

You need to have the following PTF installed and applied on the AS/400:

V4R1: PTF SF57180
V4R2: PTF SF56882
V4R3: PTF SF53489
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  1. Why do I see in e-Twinax Controller configurator that my printer is in Offline status while I know it is Online?

Some printers send erroneous status messages to the e-Twinax Controller. This causes the Controller to stop the print job. Set the status support setting in e-Twinax Controller configurator to Ignore offline. If other erroneous messages are received, set the status support setting to Ignore all.

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  1. I have a print job that includes Magnum code. First page is printed OK, but from the second page I get garbage. What can I do?

This happens because the SCS commands that are sent at the beginning of each page "breaks" the Magnum code. There is a way to avoid sending SCS commands at the beginning of each page, but for this you need to do the following:

1. Install a special PTF from IBM:

V4R1: SF56212

V4R2: SF56217

V4R3: SF56298

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  1. There are messages in the e-Twinax Controller log starting with "SCS Parameter error on printer..." Or "SCS Code error on printer...". What is the reason?

This happens because you defined explicitly in e-Twinax configurator a printer model, which does not match to the really connected Twinax printer. This message appears because the printer does not support one or more SCS commands being sent to it by the AS/400. Change the printer model to the correct one.

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  1. Why does my printer skip some lines at the beginning of each job?

Check the e-Twinax Controller log for the messages starting with: "SCS Parameter error on printer..." Or "SCS Code error on printer...". This message appears because the printer does not support one or more SCS commands being sent to it by the AS/400. In this case, a faulty SCS command may cause the lost of some data to print. Change the printer model to the correct one

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  1. Sometimes the printer session will not print, even though the printer device is on-line. Why does this happen and how can I fix it?

Use the following procedure:

  1. First of all, go to the "Work with Output Queue" screen of that printer and check status. If it is RLS it means that writer is ended - it should be RLS/WTR.
  2. Start the writer using the command STRPRTWTR . If the status remains RLS, it means that there was an error with the printer session connection.
  3. Go to the e-Twinax Configurator and enable log for that session. Then select Suspend to stop the session and Resume to restart it.
  4. Go to the Diagnostic Log screen of e-Twinax Configurator. After a while you will see the printer session startup sequence, like in following sample:
000:53:56 S10 Connecting session 10 to address port 23.
000:53:56 S10 R FFFD27
000:53:56 S10 S FFFB27
000:53:56 S10 R FFFD18FFFA270103-49424D5253454544-8033331D66058004
000:53:56 S10 S FFFB18FFFA270003-49424D5253454544-8033331D66058004
000:53:57 S10 R FFFA1801FFF0
000:53:57 S10 S FFFA180049424D2D-333831322D31FFF0-
000:53:57 S10 R FFFD19
000:53:57 S10 S FFFB19
000:53:57 S10 R FFFB19
000:53:57 S10 S FFFD19
000:53:57 S10 R FFFD00
000:53:57 S10 S FFFB00
000:53:58 S10 R FFFB00
000:53:58 S10 S FFFD00
000:53:58 S10 R 004912A090000560-060020C0003D0000-F8F9F4F0E2F1F0F2
000:53:58 Error occurred on PRTSES3 (TCP/IP, 5039(ENOTCONN))

Look for a string beginning with the '004912A090000560' sequence. It contains important information about how the session succeeded to connect. If this string contains the 'C9F9F0F2' sequence as well, it means that the connection was successful. In other cases it will contain a string like 'F8F9F4F0'. It is an EBCDIC error code - 8940 in this case.  You can see this in the table below - "8940 - automatic configuration failed or not allowed". The following is the table of possible error codes:

2702 - device description not found
2703 - controller description not found
2777 - damaged device description
8901 - device not varied on
8902 - device not available
8903 - device not valid for session
8906 - session initiation failed
8907 - session failure
8910 - controller not valid for session
8916 - no matching device found
8917 - not authorized to object
8918 - job canceled
8920 - object partially damaged
8921 - communications error
8922 - negative response received
8923 - start-up record built incorrectly
8925 - creation of device failed
8928 - change of device failed
8929 - vary on or vary off failed
8930 - message queue does not exist
8934 - start-up for S/36 WSF received
8935 - session rejected
8936 - security failure on session attempt
8940 - automatic configuration failed or not allowed

Some of these codes show a problem which can be fixed immediately, others may require IBM technical support intervention. In case of an 8930 error, just change message queue name to an existing one. In other cases try to allow the controller to attempt an auto-recovery session - set auto-recovery time-out to 3 minutes. If this doesn't help, reset the session (if you use HTTP Configurator - first check 'Force delete on recovery' check box). If the problem still happens, change session name to the new one, because in some cases the session name is occupied by Telnet server and cannot be re-used until IPL.
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  1. How can I accelerate printing speed?
Sometimes when the e-Twinax Controller is connected to the AS/400 using a slow connection (such as dial-out or 64 KB Frame Relay) and the AS/400 printouts are created using a special AS/400 application (like Optio) the printing process is slow. In these cases, each page contains about 50 KB of data and printing can take up to 40-50 seconds per page.
Starting with e-Twinax version 2.22.00 there is special parameter in the Advanced Parameters list called "Optimize printer speed". Set it to 1 (Yes) to speed up printing. It may cause slight degradation in terminal response time when large print jobs are being processed.

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IPDS Printer Questions


  1. Why do all IPDS printers stay in END status on AS/400 even though they are Online?

IPDS printers are configured and started automatically once e-Twinax Controller identifies an online IPDS printer. This is done with the use of RMTCMD (Remote Command) server & SVRMAP (Server mapper) server. Check if those servers are in Listen mode by performing the following steps:

1. Enter the command NETSTAT <Enter>, then 3 <Enter>. Look for lines containing as-rmtcmd and as-svrmap strings.

2. If there are no such lines, enter the following commands:




3. If the lines are present, but diagnostic log shows that it is unable to run Remote Command, close these servers first using command ENDHOSTSVR <server-name>, then start them again.

4. Verify that the User ID and Password you entered for this system are still valid and has *IOSYSCFG profile.

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  1. What are the *PSFCFG objects that I see under library BOSCSTLIB in my AS/400?

These objects are created by the e-Twinax Controller for each IPDS printer. The object includes parameters, which PSF/400 uses when it builds the IPDS data streams.

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  1. My printer starts printing but after few pages stops printing and goes to Failed status in e-Twinax configurator. How can I fix it?

The reason is probably because the Page Size Control (PAGSIZCTL) parameter in PSFCFG object of this printer is set to *NO. Change it to *YES by setting Page size control in IPDS additional parameters in e-Twinax Controller configurator to 1 and reset printer.

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  1. My printer starts printing but skips labels and lines. How can I fix it?

The reason is probably because the Page Size Control (PAGSIZCTL) parameter in PSFCFG object of this printer is set to *NO. Change it to *YES by setting Page size control in IPDS additional parameters in e-Twinax Controller configurator to 1 and reset printer.

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  1. Why did e-Twinax Controller create the IPDS printer with Advanced Function Printing parameter at the host set to *Yes, while it is set to *No when printer is connected directly to AS/400?

When the printer was connected directly to AS/400 as a Twinax IPDS printer, by default Advanced Function Printing (AFP) parameter is set to *NO. When the printer connects through e-Twinax Controller, it is created as an IP IPDS printer. In this connection type, you can only create the device with AFP parameter set to *YES. This actually an AS/400 restriction, but even though, the most "primitive" IPDS printer such as 4224 model 01 manages to work fine through e-Twinax Controller.

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  1. After I've connected an IPDS Printer to the e-Twinax  Controller I get a message that I must license PSF/400 order to use IPDS printer. What is the reason?

From V4R4 the licensing of PSF/400 is verified and you get a grace period of 70 days to do that.  Until V4R4 you had to license PSF/400, but it was not checked by the operating system.

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  1. How can I see the printer status like out-of-paper, or off-line on AS/400 the same way I used to see status from the directly attached printer?

IPDS status messaging on host is fully supported by e-Twinax Controller. This includes: Offline, End of paper, Cancel print and Paper jam. You must set the following in e-Twinax Controller configurator in order to get printer error messages on host:

1. Set IPDS Printer status support in Advanced parameters to 1 (Host).

2. Set Host printer messages mode in IPDS printer additional parameters to 2 (*INQ).

3. Reset the printer.

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  1. I received the "Error occurred on (TCP/IP, 4(UNKNOWN))" error message in the Diagnostic Log. What does it mean?

This message and corrected "Error occurred on (TCP/IP, 4(time-out))" means that there was no connection request to the IPDS printer session from the AS/400 or SECURIT-e Server in connection time-out. There is most likely a communication problem - the AS/400 or the SECURIT-e Server is unable to connect to the IPDS printer port (default is range 5000-5056). You should enable these ports in Proxy or use other enabled ports - change the IPDS base port in advanced options.

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  1. I received the "Port number allowed only for local devices or LAN printers" error message in the Diagnostic Log. What does it mean?

This message is generated if the same printer session name is used for both an SCS printer and an IPDS printer. The e-Twinax Controller checks that the device exists and then changes the device description - IP address and port number. But these parameters are incorrect for an SCS printer device description. You must delete the old device description. We suggest using the Reset Printer option in the Configurator.

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  1. I have an IPDS printer and I send it duplex print jobs, i.e. on both sides of the page. Most of the jobs are printed OK, but a few jobs are not. How can I fix this?
Most likely, the 'Printer device type' parameter in the print file of these problematic jobs is set to *SCS instead of to *AFPDS. Since the Twinax IPDS printers appear in the AS/400 as TCP/IP IPDS printers, the AFP utility is building the data stream that is sent to the printer, so it must build an AFPDS data stream instead of an SCS data stream. In order to modify this parameter, enter the following command:
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eTwinax Information Request - New 062218

RJ45 Host Port Option (e-TwinStar) Eliminates Need for Active Star Hubs

Rear view of e-TwinST@r Controller
with RJ45 unit attached

The e-Twinax Controller now has an optional model that includes a built-in unit featuring 8 (or 16) RJ45 sockets. Twinax devices working over CAT5 lines are connected directly to the Controller, saving the cost of an active star hub and eliminating the need for power sources and additional space in the communications closet, as well as the extra set-up and maintenance time.  The RJ45 Ports of this option operate just as a Twinax port with an RJ45 Balun attached to it.

If you need to connect more Twinax Devices than the number of physical ports on an e-Twinax Controller, please read the explanation in the next section.  The e-Twinax Controller model must be able to support the number of devices you need to connect.

The e-TwinStar (4800 Series) is available in models with support for 8, 16, 28, 56 or 112 Twinax addresses/devices.  The 4800 Series is fully upgradeable from one model to the next allowing for growth from 8 to a full 112 device support.  The 4800 Series also supports connection of the 8-Port Twinax Brick as the e-Twinax 4600 Series as well as the IBM 8-Port Twinax Brick from your existing Internal Twinax Workstation Controllers.

Upgrades are made by simple entering a new software key in the configuration section of the e-Twinax. You can upgrade remote locations by accessing the upgrade portion of the configuration over your WAN.  Upgrading is done while the controller is in full operation.  There is no need to have those users connected to it brought down.  This eliminates the need other controllers have to bring them down while increasing their device capacity or adding options.

Explanation of Device Support 
for the eTwinax and RJ45 Ports of e-Twinax Controller

As with the standard AS/400 8-port "Twinax Brick" from the Twinax Workstation Controller, each Host Port (Twinax or RJ45) of the e-Twinax will support up to a maximum number  of 7 device addresses (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), up to the maximum number of devices the particular model controller will support.  This convention holds true to all Twinax or RJ45 Host Ports of S/36, S/38, AS/400, iSeries and all IBM, Decision Data, I-O, Idea, and Perle Remote Controllers except for the very old 5251-12 and 5294 controllers that only supported a maximum of 4 addresses per Host Port.

For example, an IBM 5394-01B Controller has three Twinax Host Ports.  Three ports with 7 devices each would total 21.  The 5394-01B only supports 16.  You can distribute those 16 device addresses across those three ports however you see fit.  That could be 7 on the first port, 7 on the second port and 2 on the third port.  You could also have 6, 6 and 4 or any other combination that totals 16 device addresses with a maximum of 7 on any one port.

Another example is the 4616 (Twinax Host Ports) and 4816 (RJ45 Host Ports) of the e-Twinax Controllers.  Both of these models will support 16 Twinax addresses/devices but only have 8 physical ports.  Using the same logic as with the 5394-01B example, you can connect devices to ANY of these 8 ports as long as the total number of addresses used is 16 or less.  For example you could use the same 7, 7, and 2 on the first three Host Ports as with the 5394.  Being these models have 8 Host Ports, you could also put 2 devices on each port for a total of 16.  You could also have 4, 4, 4 and 4 on four of the 8 Host Ports or any other combination that totals 16 device addresses with a maximum of 7 on any one of the 8 ports.

If you need to connect more physical devices than the number of ports you have two options.

First, you can "cable-through" your Twinax devices from one to the next using actual Twinax cables.  Using this method you can connect up to 7 devices to a single Host Port.  If you are using multiple session terminals, the number of physical devices would be less as each Host Port will only support 7 addresses. 

Second, you can add a Twinax-to-RJ45 Active Star Hub such as the Gemini Express Active Star Hub to your setup.  These Active Star Hubs connect to one of the controllers Host Ports either by Twinax Cable or Category 5 (CAT5) cable, and expand the single port to 7 RJ45 ports corresponding with the device addresses available on that port of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.  This is the same whether the e-Twinax Controller has Twinax Host Ports or RJ45 Host Ports.  In this implementation each Twinax Device would be required to have a Twinax-to-RJ45 Balun on it to allow connection with a CAT5 cable.

The RJ45 Host Ports of the e-Twinax Controller are operationally the same as a Twinax Host Port with an RJ45 Balun attached to it.uest - New 040416



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