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Printing Solutions For IBM Systems
IPDS/AFP, SCS and Magnum Code V and IGP

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UNA.jpg (13137 bytes)PLEASE NOTE:  All CableNet Printer Interfaces have been discontinued.
We have replacement products for the various CableNet Models
Please call us at (800)597-2525 with your specific needs and to check availability.

Please CLICK HERE for other Printer Connectivity options.


The product line started with SCS Twinax/coax protocol converters and has expanded to the 4 product categories - SCS, IPDS/AFP, Magnum Code V and Reverse Protocol Converters.   

The most recent addition is the new AFP/IPDS to Zebra Printer Interface to allow direct printing of your IPDS graphics applications on Zebra Thermal Printers.  Save all the time associated with re-writing the applications to proprietary Zebra ZPL graphics language by just attaching the interface to the printer and then connecting it to your AS/400 by either Twinax or TCP/IP.

Following is a brief description of each of the products and how they can help you with your printer interface requirements.

SCS (non-IPDS)


Magnum Code V / Printronix IGP


SCS Interface Products

UNA - Parallel Port Attached Twinax Interface with Intelligent PC / Twinax Switching

The first product manufactured by CableNet in 1989 was the Universal Network Adapter (UNA). The UNA the first protocol converter on the market that offered either Twinax or coax connectivity, with auto switching between the parallel, serial, and Twinax/coax inputs. The UNA also has an LED display and keypad for easy configuration and run-time status of the device. It was and still is the fastest protocol converter in the world, with throughput over 240 pages/minute. The UNA is still the most reliable, easy to use, and versatile Twinax/coax printer interface on the market.

4000-S and 2039-S - Internal Twinax Interfaces

The 4000-S MIO for Hewlett-Packard and Brother laser printers with and the 2039-S for the Lexmark 4039 and Optra printers are internal versions of the UNA. These internal cards are configurable via the front panel display on the printer for a truly integrated SCS Twinax or coax solution.

Turbo T - Parallel Port Attached Twinax Interface

The Turbo T is a Twinax to parallel protocol converter built into a Twinax "T-Connector". It was designed to be as small and inconspicuous as possible, features push-button configuration and has the same speed as the UNA (240 ppm throughput)

RPA - Reverse Protocol Adapter to Run Twinax Printers on PCs and Networks

The Reverse Protocol Adapter (RPA) allows users to attach non-IPDS Twinax or coax printers to a LAN or PC via parallel or RS-232 input. The RPA adds a parallel or serial port to a txinax or coax printer so it can be used when a company is migrating to a LAN-based operating system.

(Return to SCS Interface Product Listing)

IPDS/AFP Interface Products

As a natural progression from the SCS product line, CableNet developed an IPDS 4028, 3912, 3916 emulation. CableNet IPDS products support all 8 IPDS towers and Advanced Function Printing (AFP). All IPDS products are Flash-ROM based and upgrades can be downloaded from the Web-site.

IPA - Parallel Port Attached IPDS/AFP Twinax Interface

The Intelligent Printer Adapter (IPA) is an external adapter that converts IPDS to PCL-5. It can drive any printer with PCL-5 and can process most print jobs at 40 pages/minute.
The IPA has a lot of built-in flexibility, like user definable margins and fonts, and has both a parallel and serial input for PC-sharing.

(Return to IPDS/AFP Interface Listing)

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Click on items below to go to:

CableNet Product Page
CableNet-QMS Magnum/IGP Twinax Interface Solutions
IPDS for Zebra
CableNet-IPDS/AFP Twinax and TCP/IP Interface Solutions
CableNet-IPDS/AFP Twinax Interface Solutions
CableNet UNA - Universal Network Adapter Twinax Interface
CableNet Turbo-T - Twinax Interface for Parallel Printers
CableNet-SCS Twinax and Coax Interface Solutions
Printer Interface & Protocol Conversion Page


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