Forvus Emulator (Network) Single User
here for more information on the Forvus 3270 Emulator
Forvus Emulator (Network) Specifications
Forvus Part Number 90011
Supports Novell SAA, MS-SNA Server, and TN3270/TN3287
Emulates IBM 3278/9 Models 2,3,4 and 5
3270 Character Fonts
Extended highlighting
Block, Underline, and Blinking cursor
Country Extended Code Page (CECP)
Application Defined Screen Sizes (Partitioning)
Host Addressable Print (HAP)
Pop-Up Keypad/Hotspot mouse support
Cut, Copy, and Paste between sessions or applications
5 Language Help/Menu support (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian)
17 Language Keyboard support
Multiple Hardware vendor support